Discover 6 steps to improve your quality of life

Currently, there are many actions to work on quality of life, from the simplest, such as taking a morning walk, to the most complex, such as investing in mental health care.

With that in mind, we created this article with the six best steps for you to include in your routine and improve your health. Good reading!

1. Practice physical activities

Have you ever stopped to think if you really take care of your body? In addition to healthy eating — which we will talk about next — it is necessary to invest in the practice of physical activities to ensure an effective increase in quality of life.

Many people think that it is necessary to perform only weight training or strength exercises , but this is not true. Physical activity involves walking, running, yoga, cycling, and swimming, as do all sports—volleyball, soccer, basketball, tennis, and more.

The important thing is to find the most suitable one according to your personality and tastes. Thus, you guarantee that you will perform a fun exercise , keeping you motivated to keep going.

Remember that our body is the only instrument we have and it is our responsibility to take care of it in the right way to ensure quality of life. Therefore, invest in constant practice, two to three times a week, with at least 30 minutes of execution.

In addition, try to breathe calmly during activities, allowing good oxygenation of the brain and keeping the body active and aware to practice the movements correctly.

2. Get a good night’s sleep

Constant well-being is directly related to sleep quality . There are several studies in the field of Psychology and Neuroscience demonstrating how a bad night’s sleep negatively influences metabolic, endocrine, cognitive and psychological functions.

Sleep deprivation causes irritability, tiredness , dark circles, decreased metabolism, among other consequences and, in severe cases, hallucinations, chronic pain and memory problems.

How to ensure that your night will be healthy? There are some practices you can adopt on a daily basis to promote sleep and leave insomnia aside. Check out:

  • set a bedtime. So your body learns that it needs to rest at that time;
  • opt for light foods at dinner and supper, such as salads, proteins — egg, chicken and fish, preferably — and plain yogurt. With this, you facilitate digestion and have a peaceful night;
  • avoid stimulant and alcoholic drinks before bed;
  • put your cell phone away at least half an hour before going to bed, allowing your mind to rest;
  • keep the room comfortable, with low lights and mild temperatures;
  • do not practice physical activities before bed so as not to stimulate the body.

3. Keep your mind active

Quality of life is a phenomenon that encompasses not only the health of the body, but also of the mind. To ensure that your life is healthy, it is necessary to invest in techniques to balance the two.

An excellent way to keep the psyche working well is to invest in stimulating games such as card, crossword and board games, as well as constant reading.

In this way, you activate your brain with ease, developing new cognitive skills and creating different hobbies in your routine.

In addition, for deeper work, it is possible to work with psycho therapeutic techniques to recognize patterns, cycles of self-sabotage and provide self-knowledge. With this, you discover more about your personality and allow an intense change in your quality of life.

4. Invest in healthy eating

At the beginning of this article, we commented on the importance of having a good diet to provide well-being, remember? Reflecting on what we eat is an extremely important step in favoring the development of a healthy life.

There are several ways to change eating habits. You can start small and cut small amounts of unhealthy foods or transform your menu all at once.

Regardless of the form, it is essential to eat healthy foods, such as fruits, nuts, seeds, green leaves, vegetables, varied salads, controlled carbohydrates and protein – whether of animal origin or not. In addition, to ensure more effectiveness in your food reeducation, eat meals every three hours, avoiding as much as possible skipping snacks, lunches and dinners.

Keep in mind that the important thing is to develop healthy habits and find balance in food. So try not to completely cut out the foods you like, just be careful not to overdo it.

The ideal is to create a reward system to condition your metabolism. For example, every week that you eat well, you are entitled to a day of nonsense, getting away from the routine completely. Now, if you don’t follow it correctly, you won’t have that day.


5. Practice meditation

Stress, indisposition, lack of motivation and tiredness can be tackled with meditation. That’s because, by relaxing your body and letting your mind flow, you reduce blood pressure, control your heartbeat and oxygenate your body more, forgetting about the events that generate anxiety.

Here, meditation is not about not thinking about anything. Quite the contrary: it is a moment of focus and concentration. The right thing is to pay attention to breathing, feeling the warm air enter and the cold air always leave through the nose.

In addition, you can choose the position that brings you the most comfort, being able to be sitting on the floor, lying on the bed or standing. Keep in mind that the important thing is to let the body relax and avoid negative thoughts by replacing them with pleasant memories.

To facilitate this moment, we have put together a step-by-step guide on how to perform a good meditation and calm the body. Look:

  • choose a nice place to start. It can be in nature or indoors;
  • put some quiet instrumental music in the background, preferably with light, upbeat beats;
  • find a comfortable position to stay in and close your eyes;
  • start the meditation with both hands on the lower belly – just below the navel -, feeling the air in and out through the nostrils, breathing deeply;
  • when the breathing is calm, pay attention to the music and relax;
  • once you feel better and calm, open your eyes and stretch your body, stretching your arms, torso and legs to finish.

With these small instructions, you will already feel a big difference in your life. Remember to choose a good time to practice it daily, preferably without interruptions, ensuring better results and a happier life.

6. Bet on contact with nature

The busy routine, most of the time, takes people away from contact with nature. Surrounded by urban work and office lives, the human being had to put aside the pleasures of witnessing nature.

Contemplating natural beauties, such as beaches, trees and parks, is essential to release the stress and anxiety that harm the quality of life. So, whenever you feel the need, go for a short walk outside, breathing deeply to relax even more.

Thus, you keep your body active and also allow your senses to be sharpened, reducing tiredness and renewing energy.

Providing more quality of life doesn’t have to be a big challenge. Investing in physical activity, healthy eating , meditation and relaxation techniques, mind activation and contact with nature, you develop a healthy and energetic life.

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