Erika Zaba, a renowned Mexican personality and member of the internationally acclaimed music group OV7, is a multi-talented individual. Alongside her successful singing career, she has proven her versatility as a TV host, actress, and presenter. However, Erika’s talents extend beyond the entertainment industry, as she possesses a natural aptitude for entrepreneurship.
Embracing her passion for fashion, Erika ventured into the world of clothing with her own brand called “Hi Darling.” The name holds special significance, as it reflects the affectionate way she addresses her closest friends. Starting as an online venture during the pandemic, Hi Darling aimed to provide a curated selection of the newest trends in casual and prêt-à-porter (ready-to-wear) fashion for her devoted fans and followers. The brand’s immense popularity led to the establishment of a physical store in Mexico City.
The overwhelming success of Hi Darling can be attributed to Erika’s extensive knowledge and hard work in the fashion industry. She personally selects vendors, curates the clothing collection, and ensures the brand’s overall excellence. However, Hi Darling is not Erika’s sole business endeavor. She also manages her most personal business ventures.
Erika Zaba’s beautiful family stands as a testament to the values she holds dear: hard work, music, dedication, and love. Together, they form a supportive unit that fuels Erika’s drive and creativity in her career. Whether she’s on stage or spending quality time with her loved ones, Erika finds joy in sharing her passions and nurturing the bonds that strengthen her as an artist and as a person. Through their shared values and unwavering support, Erika and her family create a foundation of love and inspiration that radiates through every aspect of their lives.