Best of Natural CBD ‘Candles by Adisa’ for Your Home

There are many benefits to using natural and soy candles over traditional ones. Natural candles are made with natural ingredients and are usually free of dyes and fragrances. Soy candles, on the other hand, are made with soy wax, and offer a variety of benefits. Here are some of the advantages of natural and soy candles: 

  1. Healthier: Natural and soy candles are healthier for your home and family, as they don’t contain any of the harsh chemicals found in traditional candles. Natural and soy candles do not produce any soot, smoke, or toxins, making them better for indoor air quality. 
  2. Longer-lasting: Natural and soy candles tend to burn much longer than traditional paraffin candles. This means that you’ll get more use out of each candle, and won’t have to replace them as often. 
  3. Scented: Natural and soy candles can be scented with essential oils, which is a great option for those who don’t want to use synthetic fragrances. Essential oils are natural, and offer a range of therapeutic benefits. 
  4. Eco-friendly: Natural and soy candles are much more eco-friendly than traditional paraffin candles.

We were happy to find the company Candles by Adisa at the Pre-Grammys Gifting Event where they focused on bringing naturally made CBD infused candles for the ultimate aromatherapy experience right in your home. 

The assortment of candles available with different smells and vibes to bring fresh energy and aromas to your home are what make these products special. They pride themselves on their tagline “Be Lucid!”. Lucid is being bright or luminous just like their candle creations. 

We were gifted a brand new hand sanitizer they’ve started sharing with customers and useful in the age of a slowly ending pandemic. The second gift is a which smells like rose or lemon incense wrapped in a beautiful flower patterned glass jar with real matches to go along with it. 

What makes Candles by Adisa is the creation as they utilize elements such as soy-wax and infuse CBD for an extra relaxing vibe at your home. Not to mention the soft and floral scents such as the “lemons and incense” scent.

If you love candles as much as we do, check out

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